Monday, 16 April 2012


I've already had a lot of fun with the 'Mess' book, thanks to Lisa Wright's book group at

I was lucky enough to get my book early on Amazon, and couldn't wait to get started.  By nature I am a tidy 'colour within the lines' person, and have really enjoyed letting go.  So I've tackled a few pages, but here is my favourite so far, because I would never in a million years have thought of messing up the COVER of a book:

The book is already getting a little bulky, so I had to hold it closed with some small woodworking clamps to make it lie flat enough to photograph.  Even my photographs are messy.  How lovely to be given permission - or even perhaps an instruction - to mess up a book cover like this!  Thank you Lisa.

As for the poor old fellow who needed a face lift and advice on fashion style, I think he is much improved in the messy version.

Having fun - my husband is envious! BOOK, MESSY LADY


  1. Love the cover especially... I am attacking mine today and have woken up happy at the thought of getting stuck into it...great post...xx

  2. Oi I never thought about doing that to the front cover. Wonderful!

    1. And I've realised there's a back cover I can mess up as well!

  3. This is really fun!!! Like how you messed up that guy. lol

    1. Most of us think we can change a man, but this is the most success I've had, even after nearly 55 years!

  4. Love the new look of your fellow! Brought a chuckle!
    So looking forward to this messy journey!

    1. Yes, this is one of the most enjoyable art journeys I've started on. Look forward to seeing your mess.

  5. waiting for my book. . .this all looks outside of our norms so may take a push or two! great stuff!

  6. I think you've got your book now, so I look forward to seeing your mess.


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