Sunday, 25 March 2012


I find that when I open my journal at a prepared background page and just start working without any advance planning, the page tends to develop in its own way - and gives me something to smile about each time I look at it.  

This one started with me deciding to do some paper-cutting, which I love to do.  I don't draw out the design first, I just pick up the craft knife and the paper or card and start cutting.  Having cut out the figure from purple paper I didn't want to waste the negative image, and the picture developed itself.

The next one certainly wasn't planned.  I printed out a photograph, but unfortunately something had gone wrong with the printer and just part of the image came out covering a whole A4 page.  (After a struggle and ordering a new part, the printer was operational again a few days later!)

I put the page on one side, and later in glancing at it saw these shapes appear out of the wasted page, and the two poor scared little bunny creatures were faced with the monster bunny-eater.

And this last one ...... I liked the faces on these yellow vacuum cleaners and stuck them randomly on the page, and it just developed from there.  There seems to be a rather negative message sent by all of three of these journal pages!  Perhaps it was just one of those days!

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