Sunday, 4 March 2012


First of all, the I-phone painting.  I'm really hooked on this, and part of what I enjoy is the challenge of painting something within such a small area and with such little control.  I keep experimenting to see what the different tools and brushes will do.  Here's one I was quite pleased with.

And now on to the experimental mark making.

I always love experimenting with making prints from plant material (i.e., weeds) growing in the hedgerows.  The results are always unexpected, and any that you really like can be used to make cards, tags, or you can even print directly onto a journal page.  

These little examples  here were made from pieces of wild plants picked in a country lane with the delightful name of Goosefoot Lane.


Acrylic paints in three or four colours of your choice (but do try gold paint)
A fairly stiff paint brush, or even one brush for each colour
Paper - hot pressed (smooth) watercolour paper, smooth surface cartridge paper - or anything you feel like experimenting with
Rubber gloves - it can get a bit messy if you are really enjoying yourself
Optional - paint roller


Put two or three colours of acrylic paint on the palette.  Select the first piece of plant material and decide which colour you want to use.

Using the brush, paint the part of the plant material you want to print. 

Take the plant material across to the piece of paper you have placed ready.   Place it carefully in your chosen position on the page, cover with a clean piece of scrap paper and press/rub across it:  I just use my fingers to do this.  

Carefully remove the paper and then the plant material and hopefully you will have a successful print transfer.  

Repeat with other pieces of material and different colours, until you are happy with the design.

An alternative method is to roll out some paint on the palette and press the plant material into this with the roller.  I just prefer to use the brush-and-finger method for a more immediate feel and a quicker change of colours.

Expect some successes and some failures - just collect enough material for a pile of experiments and choose your favourites.

Do let me know if you try this enjoyable little technique.

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