Sunday, 11 March 2012


It's the first day I really feel that Spring is coming - the sun is shining, drifts of crocus on the lawn, and daffodils bursting into flower.  This morning I even saw a huge Camellia bush covered in a mass of luscious pink blossoms.  Let's hope Spring lasts more than one day!

First, today's I-phone painting - this was one of my early ones, where I was still testing out what the tools could do.  I learnt a lot doing it, and that is more important than the end result.

The Butterfly Mind flits to yet another way of making marks on the page - I love alternative ways of making arty marks, which leads to interesting results without any pre-planning.

This one started with simple round blobs on the paper made by pressing my thumb into black acrylic paint and pressing it on the yellow background until I felt I had enough blobs - enough for what I didn't know!  Then I saw the blobs as heads and dabbed in marks for bodies.  And they had to be looking at something, so ... is it a bird, is it a butterfly?

These mysterious figures often seem to crop up in my work, and I never really know who they are or what they are doing.  They just want to appear on the page.

I hope you have a go at using thumb prints to see what results you get.

I'd be really interested to hear from you if you do.

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