Friday, 19 October 2012


I keep trying new approaches, ways that will make me break through the boundaries of the safe havens where I am fairly sure I can produce work that pleases me without having to struggle too much.  

I always admire artists who can just 'go for it' and produce lovely artworks.  So I keep trying different ways to be more free and spontaneous - brave enough to slosh paint about rather than use it carefully.

OK, so sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but at least I am always pleased that I have tried.

So this post is about an approach I've been pushing myself to try - drawing an image on the page in the careful way I always seem to take and then just letting loose with masking fluid, watercolour, acrylic, pens and, if I can think of something the painting is saying, with text.  I call these 'splodgy' paintings.

I think journalling has helped me in this process.  With this painting I wanted the figure to be left as an outline, and somehow this makes it the focus of the picture.

She looked so sad that the words for the text just came to me.  Quite pleased with this.

I really wasn't sure where I was going with this next one.  The little girl was from a photograph I took some time ago, and I keep wanting to include her in my paintings.

Words failed me when I tried to write something on the painting, and I didn't know what she was looking at.  Then I found a page in an ancient encyclopaedia with pictures of various moths, and this red and black one seemed to be what I was looking for and just the right colour.

When I've drawn a figure and start to splash the paint about I really don't know what I'm doing and where I'm going, and just wait to be surprised at the end.

The inspiration for the figure of the woman sitting on a rock came from a pen sketch I did in the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, of a small, beautiful stone sculpture by Dorothea Clement.

And this is the same carving from another angle.

 Here's the painting, and I really do like the final result.

At the moment I feel it's finished, but perhaps later I may be able to think of some text to add.  Any suggestions?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ooh Jez, if this is where you end up when you push those boundaries, you keep pushing them, these are fantastic!

  3. Wonderful work Jez. I particularly like the power of the final one - it's like she's pushing out all that energy.

  4. Gorgeous! The journalling is great - that's something I still struggle a bit with. Love the little girl - it reminds me of those stamps that in turn always remind me of illustrations from old books like Enid Blyton. Oh, what's the name. Will have to google... Mabel Lucie Attwell, who now that I've googled the stamps, was actually an illustrator from the time of the books I'm thinking of! Doh! But anyway, after much rambling... I love these! Keep pushing those boundaries!

  5. Jez this could be me verbatim...seriously I have the same struggles. If I don't let go it's all so contrived and I'm not satisfied!! I think these are all so beautiful! Love the little girl!! I almost wonder if they aren't a bit of a metaphor!! The last one is gorgeous, It could be something like "Simply waiting at the waters edge" or not!! That's what I see... I feel I am always waiting at the waters edge to find my true creative style!! Great post!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. marvelous! the contrast of your careful drawings and your loose backgrounds is very effective. I especially love being able to see the background through the outlined people. just lovely.

  7. Love The Idea of going wild with masking fluid! Thank you for sharing your fabulous ideas.


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